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:: TANGIER . . . .

Only 14 km separate Africa of Tarifa, Tánger blue city, Tangier city of Morocco, Tanger have captivated to thousands of artists, also will captivate to you.

Tomates en el socco

Tánger has a rich history and a unique geography. The beauty of their location and its slightly bluish light turns object of inspiration for generations and generations of great artists. Their streets, their hotels, their coffees, all have seen pass to Tennessee Williams, Samuel Beckett, Jean Genet...


Their palaces lived worldly celebrations on Barbara Hutton or of Malcolm Forbes... its light was inspiracón of Matisse, its mystery of Paul Bowles.

Verduras en el Socco

Arranged like an amphitheatre on the Strait of Gibraltar, it watches at the Atlantic and the Mediterranean. Their hotel location, its history and its comforts make of Tánger a favorite destiny for the travellers in search of romantic memories.


Places of interest

Petit Socco

Is indispensable to cross the Petit Socco, call also souk Dakhil, the heart of the medina, one of the places most attractive and characteristic of the city. Also it is precise to know its museums: the one of Moroccan Art in Dar el Makhzen and the exposed collections of art in the old American Consulate.


What to do? 7

Café Hafa

It is necessary to make a shutdown in the Hafa coffee, whose precious decoration is composed by its nigualable view of the Strait and the Spanish coast. In the environs, the visits to the Cabos Espartel and Malabata, the Grottos of Hercules and the Roman ruins of Cotta are interesting. The Espartel end marks the northwestern end of the continent, only 14 kms. of Tánger. And close, are the spectacular Grottos of Hercules, cavities that the sea invades with the high tide. The coastal route of Tánger to Ceuta offers spectacular views on the Strait, solitary beaches and small coves. .

Grutas de Hércules

The Malabata Cape, besides to offer the views of the bay of Tangier and the Strait, allows to admire a building of medieval aspect - the castle of Malabata - that was constructed at the beginning of century. The Roman city of Cotta, with its conserve factories of fish and `` garum`` and their farms narrates to the visitor the ways of life of the first centuries.



Ferries Tarifa Tangier Med Ceuta Algeciras




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